Please note: Streaming links above are provided with no guarantees - not all artists and not all music is available to stream. Sometimes artists deliberately withold some or all of their music from streaming services. Some streaming services are not free and require a monthly/yearly subscription payment.
04/05/2020: Diamanda Galás @diamanda_galas to release 'De-formation: Piano Variations', a work for solo piano, on 24/07/2020 via Intravenal Sound Operations
17/02/2020: Diamanda Galás @diamanda_galas to reissue her original albums as officially remastered editions - first up, 'The Litanies Of Satan' on LP/CD 01/05/2020 via Intravenal Sound Operations
30/01/2017: Diamanda Galás to release new album 'All The Way' on 24/03/2017
30/01/2017: Diamanda Galás to release new live album 'At Saint Thomas The Apostle Harlem' on 24/03/2017
16/07/2012: Diamanda Galás to play a live gig at the Southbank Centre on 01/08/2012 as part of the Meltdown 2012 festival -