Please note: Streaming links above are provided with no guarantees - not all artists and not all music is available to stream. Sometimes artists deliberately withold some or all of their music from streaming services. Some streaming services are not free and require a monthly/yearly subscription payment.
Simon Leonard (member from unknown to unknown) [this person left the band on an unknown date] David Baker (member from unknown to unknown) [this person left the band on an unknown date]
18/05/2020: Komputer @komputerdave offer FREE download of demo track from 2011 'Minimum'
07/10/2013: Komputer post new audio material online via Soundcloud -
23/07/2012: Komputer have announced on Twitter that they want to complete their new album by 01/12/2012 -
20/12/2011: Komputer (also I Start Counting / Fortran 5) have launched their new web site. Unreleased 'Intercom EP' is available to purchase on the site -
28/11/2011: Komputer (also I Start Counting / Fortran 5) have announced details of the release party on 17/12/2011 for their 'Konnecting' album -