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Depeche Mode Discography (Studio Albums)


Depeche Mode Speak & Spell Album primary image cover photoSpeak & Spell5 October 1981view icon
Depeche Mode A Broken Frame Album primary image cover photoA Broken Frame27 September 1982view icon
Depeche Mode Construction Time Again Album primary image cover photoConstruction Time Again22 August 1983view icon
Depeche Mode Some Great Reward Album primary image cover photoSome Great Reward24 September 1984view icon
Depeche Mode Black Celebration Album primary image cover photoBlack Celebration17 March 1986view icon
Depeche Mode Music For The Masses Album primary image cover photoMusic For The Masses28 September 1987view icon
Depeche Mode Violator Album primary image cover photoViolator19 March 1990view icon
Depeche Mode Songs Of Faith And Devotion Album primary image cover photoSongs Of Faith And Devotion22 March 1993view icon
Depeche Mode Ultra Album primary image cover photoUltra14 April 1997view icon
Depeche Mode Exciter Album primary image cover photoExciter14 May 2001view icon
Depeche Mode Playing The Angel Album primary image cover photoPlaying The Angel17 October 2005view icon
Depeche Mode Sounds Of The Universe Album primary image cover photoSounds Of The Universe17 April 2009view icon
Depeche Mode Delta Machine Album primary image cover photoDelta Machine22 March 2013view icon
Depeche Mode Spirit Album primary image cover photoSpirit17 March 2017view icon
Depeche Mode Memento Mori Album primary image cover photoMemento Mori24 March 2023view icon


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