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K.M.F.D.M. Discography (Studio Albums)


K.M.F.D.M. Opium Album primary image cover photoOpium1985view icon
K.M.F.D.M. What Do You Know Deutschland? Album primary image cover photoWhat Do You Know Deutschland?1986view icon
K.M.F.D.M. Don't Blow Your Top Album primary image cover photoDon't Blow Your Top1 September 1988view icon
K.M.F.D.M. UAIOE Album primary image cover photoUAIOE8 May 1989view icon
K.M.F.D.M. Naïve Album primary image cover photoNaïveSeptember 1990view icon
K.M.F.D.M. Money Album primary image cover photoMoney17 February 1992view icon
K.M.F.D.M. Angst Album primary image cover photoAngst11 October 1993view icon
K.M.F.D.M. Nihil Album primary image cover photoNihil4 April 1995view icon
K.M.F.D.M. Xtort Album primary image cover photoXtort25 June 1996view icon
K.M.F.D.M. Symbols Album primary image cover photoSymbols23 September 1997view icon
K.M.F.D.M. Adios Album primary image cover photoAdios20 April 1999view icon
K.M.F.D.M. Attak Album primary image cover photoAttak19 March 2002view icon
K.M.F.D.M. WWIII Album primary image cover photoWWIII22 September 2003view icon
K.M.F.D.M. Hau Ruck Album primary image cover photoHau Ruck13 September 2005view icon
K.M.F.D.M. Tohuvabohu Album primary image cover photoTohuvabohu21 August 2007view icon
Skold SKOLD vs KMFDM Album primary image cover photoSkold vs KMFDM
February 2009view icon
K.M.F.D.M. Blitz Album primary image cover photoBlitz24 March 2009view icon
K.M.F.D.M. WTF?! Album primary image cover photoWTF?!26 April 2011view icon
K.M.F.D.M. Kunst Album primary image cover photoKunst26 February 2013view icon
K.M.F.D.M. Our Time Will Come Album primary image cover photoOur Time Will Come14 October 2014view icon
K.M.F.D.M. HELL YEAH Album primary image cover photoHELL YEAH18 August 2017view icon
K.M.F.D.M. PARADISE Album primary image cover photoPARADISE27 September 2019view icon
K.M.F.D.M. HYËNA Album primary image cover photoHYËNA9 September 2022view icon
K.M.F.D.M. LET GO Album primary image cover photoLET GO2 February 2024view icon


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