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Future Groove (Label) Catalography

sorted by catalogue ID

ArtistTitleTypeCatalogue IDDateView
WiredTransonicSingleFGR 001Feb 1999view icon
AircomRed CloudSingleFGR 0021999view icon
TungstenCarbineSingleFGR 0031999view icon
Mike WellsSupercellSingleFGR 0042000view icon
Inertia(1)VellumSingleFGR 0052000view icon
PolariAddictedSingleFGR 0062000view icon
Grayson ShipleyLucidSingleFGR 0072001view icon
Vic 20 & SinclairNikitaSingleFGR 0082001view icon
SunkissedRound TripSingleFGR 0092001view icon
ArridThe TrenchSingleFGR 0102001view icon
NimrodThe Zone EPSingleFGR 0112001view icon
Tata Box InhibitorsPlasmidsSingleFGR 0122001view icon
not released?FGR 013
Various ArtistsRegrooves Volume TwoSingleFGR 0142002view icon
PolarisNo MoreSingleFGR 0152001view icon
Various ArtistsRegroove #1SingleFGR 0162001view icon
DesertLettin' Ya Mind GoSingleFGR 0172001view icon
Deadbeat SocietyFlick's ThemeSingleFGR 0182001view icon
Force Mass MotionFuture Groove CollectionAlbumFGR 0192001view icon
P.I.M.P.The LightSingleFGR 0202002view icon
DesertI See The LightSingleFGR 0212002view icon
not released?FGR 022
JamezDreamchasingAlbumFGR 0232003view icon
RunnerMusicSingleFGR 0242002view icon
West London DeepYou're Taking Me OverSingleFGR 0252002view icon
not released?FGR 026
JamezPeople Will BelieveSingleFGR 0272003view icon
KolaboratorsMusic All AroundSingleFGR 0282002view icon
JamezEnergy Of LifeSingleFGR 0292003view icon
Various ArtistsFuture Groove CompilationAlbumFGR 0302002view icon
not released?FGR 031
Oscar GSpaceSingleFGR 0322002view icon
DesertBeyond The SunSingleFGR 0332003view icon

Please note: Catalogue IDs are not necessarily identical to product catalogue numbers. They are used to sort the catalography effectively. Actual catalogue numbers can be found on individual product pages.


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