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Organ Needles [Album]

United Kingdom limited edition Box Set
released via ARMComm with catalogue number USB02 2020

Format: Box Set info icon - Box Set info icon
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Label: ARMComm
Catalogue number: USB02 2020
EAN/barcode: no barcode or currently unknown
Release date: March 2020
Limited Edition: Yes
Promotional item: No
Counterfeit/Bootleg/Unofficial: No


limited special edition Box.Containing a USB Printed Slim Card which contains 15 new unreleased works including 9 Collaborative works with Carl Michael Von Hausswolff / Jack Dangers / B J Nilsen / Stephen Thrower / David Knight / Tez Maurizio Martinucci / Mykel Boyd / Shara Vasilenko / Coagulant /Bob Lowoski / Michael Esposito / Sarah Rosalena Brady. 6 New Video pieces including full length Videos for ORGAN NEEDLES / MAGNETIC STONE / AL-JABR OF DESIRE / MITHRAIC DISC / THOUGHT FORMS / DEAD MACHINES. The Box will also contain 10 Signed and numbered Printed Original & exclusive Artwork Cards by Adi Newton and the Box also contains a specially printed TAG / Organ Needles Tote Bag

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